
Register to the Civil Society Forum ahead of UNECE RFSD 2021

The 2021 Regional Forum on Sustainable Development will be held under the theme “Sustainable and resilient recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and action and delivery on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the UNECE Region“. Focusing on practical peer learning, the Regional Forum creates a space to share policy solutions, best practices and challenges in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Civil society representatives are welcome to attend the civil society pre-meeting of the Forum which is organized by UNECE-RCEM, a civil society platform aimed to enable stronger cross constituency coordination and ensure that voices of all sub-regions of UN ECE are heard in intergovernmental processes in regional and global level. 


Please note that you do need to register to all three sessions latest 7 March 2021 to receive the zoom access link. Below is an overview of the various sessions:

8 March 2021

10:00-11:00 CET

Are you new to this space? Come along and learn about the Regional Civil society Engagement Mechanism (RCEM), how to do advocacy online, how to navigate the regional forum, and what are the latest updates on HLPF Review? Register here.

12:00-15:00 CET
Civil society will collectively focus on developing common positions which can be used to shape their collective advocacy during the official sessions of the Regional Forum on Sustainable Development, the peer-learning tables and side events. These positions will also be shared with the global civil society engagement mechanism: Major Group and other Stakeholders. Register here.

9 March 2021

12:00-15:00 CET
The second part of our strategy meeting is split into two parts, the first part is a strategic session with UN Agencies and Member States, the second part is open to civil society only and will be used to strategize around SDGs monitoring, with a focus on local, national and regional dynamics. Register here.

Accessibility & language
If you have any questions around accessibility of the meeting or if you have issues registering, please contact our accessibility coordinator for the civil society forum: Martyna Balciunaite. The sessions will have Russian, French and Spanish translations.

Organizers encourage to circulate these registrations links to your networks and contacts working on Agenda 2030 in the UNECE Region.

2021-03-02 18:10