Nelya Rakhimova
chair of CSDR
"We must remain true to the direction followed by the international community. We prioritize such universal values as the protection of the rights of socially vulnerable people, the protection of the planet, and economic development aimed at creating prosperity and well-being for all."

The coalition includes representatives of Russian NGOs, business, educational institutions, research institutes, trade unions, civic activists, whose expertise covers all areas of sustainable development.

Members of the Coalition share and support the resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on September 25, 2015 "Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" (2030 Agenda), as well as the principles of the Coalition.

Why are we doing this?

In 2015, Russia, together with other 192 countries, signed and adopted the 2030 Agenda, which is focused on 17 Sustainable Development Goals and their 169 goals. They must be achieved by December 31, 2030 (with the exception of certain tasks with earlier dates). The outcome document of the 2030 Agenda combines all the SDGs, emphasizing the importance of the principle "Leave no one aside" and the concept of "Planetary boundaries".

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is not a legally binding document, but it does have a high-level status and a ministerial review. The 2030 Agenda and the SDGs is a social contact between country leaders and their citizens. The SDGs include all the elements of the prosperous existence of humanity on the planet now and in the future. We are gathered in the Coalition, because the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals is important for each of us.

Our principles:

The strength of the Coalition is to bring together various civil society representatives committed to the common values reflected in Agenda 2030:
  • Inclusiveness
    the opportunity for all civil society representatives sharing the goals of the 2030 Agenda to work together
  • Diversity
    respect for other opinions, recognition of knowledge and experience of all members of the Coalition
  • Equality
    opinions and actions of coalition members always have equal significance for it
  • Solidarity
    mutual support of the Coalition members in the implementation of the projects and programs approved by the movement
  • Openness and transparency
    the availability of information about the activities of the Coalition to its members and everyone interested
  • Ownership
    all members of the Coalition participate in its activities as far as possible
The Coalition focuses on: protecting human rights, intergenerational equality, and planet.

What do we do?

The work of the Coalition is aimed at achieving all the SDGs and at implementing the 2030 Agenda as a whole. The main activities of the Coalition:
    • monitoring progress on the implementation of the SDGs and motivating the state to achieve them in Russia, providing voice to the poorest and most marginalized groups of the population, preparing a Shadow report on SDGs
    • exchange of knowledge, skills and competencies among coalition members and joint implementation of SDG projects
    • raising awareness of the SDGs among the population, creating an understanding of the problems that affect the lives of people in Russia and around the world, mobilizing the population for local actions to implement the SDGs
    • participation in international events and civil society associations on the theme of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs