There is a growing number of countries where the climate agenda permeates all spheres of life, and climate justice has become an integral part of the social contract between government, business and society. However, in Eastern European countries (especially Belarus and Russia) these issues are still not given due attention, while the consequences of climate change are already becoming evident. The aim of this publication is to explore the potential of civil society organizations to address climate risks affecting vulnerable groups in Belarus and Russia. This paper provides a detailed analysis of vulnerable groups exposed to the negative effects of climate change in these countries. It also examines the current state of climate justice and identifies factors that hinder or promote its development in these regions. The publication provides general recommendations on how to integrate climate aspects into the activities of public organizations, as well as proposals for incorporating climate action into their strategic planning.

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We hope that this publication will be useful not only to organizations and public associations from Belarus and Russia, but also to a wider audience of readers interested in developing the concept of climate justice and protecting the rights of vulnerable groups in a changing climate.